Visitor Information
Explore The Battlefords: where history and natural beauty collide. Start your adventure today!
Everything Under the Sun

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Get Around

Crown Cab
NB City Cab
Bridge Taxi
Frequently Asked
The weather in The Battlefords is generally dry and sunny. Summer daytime temperatures range from 18C to 35C (65F to 95F). Evenings are cool, requiring a light sweater or jacket. Winter temperatures vary from +5C to -30C (41F to -22F). Sufficient snowfall also makes it ideal for winter activities and sports.
The currency system is based on Canadian dollars and cents. U.S. currency can be exchanged at any bank, credit union or trust company. Most businesses accept U.S. currency at the current exchange rate.
Liquor Laws
The minimum age for consumption of alcohol in Saskatchewan is 19 years. Alcohol, beer and wine are sold in several locations. Restaurants are licensed to serve alcoholic beverages.